BallMania is a game of controlling balls in a maze. You control the ball to move so that it is not caught by the white ball and collect the yellow balls.
This game is set in a maze with many corners. You need to use your movement ability in combination with this maze terrain to avoid being caught by the white ball.
Your ball is gray. You control it to avoid being hit by the white ball. You control your ball to move left, right, up, and down using the arrow keys. The white ball moves very quickly and in a line. It can go through a horizontal line or a vertical line. If you understand how it moves, you will be more proactive in predicting the direction and avoiding it in time.
Controlling the ball to move quickly requires practice. Play regularly to improve your ball-moving skills.
You observe when the white ball starts moving, you should also change direction to escape in time. You can take advantage of the maze's barriers to escape. Because the white ball only moves in a certain row, you can change direction into small alleys.
In addition to escaping from the white ball, you should pay attention to the yellow ball. Try to approach and collect the yellow ball to complete the mission.