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Contra Online

About Contra Online


Contra Online has been a classic game for many generations, but this game has never lost its charm. Have you tried this exciting game experience yet? Confident of winning?

Konami created and launched Contra, a shooting video game, first as a coin-operated arcade game on February 20, 1987. In 1988, the family version and ports for other computer systems, including MSX2, were made available for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The family versions were then translated in the PAL area for use on different computer platforms such as Gryzor and the NES under Probotector. The original Contra game was followed by a number of sequels.

Contra has many different gameplay perspectives, including a typical side view, a pseudo-3D view (where the player advances by snapping and moving towards the backdrop, either left or right), and a screen format. fixed form (where the Player has their gun aimed up by default). Bill, a blonde commando wearing a white tank top and a blue bandana, and Lance, a black-haired commando sporting a red bandana, are the two players who may play concurrently. An eight-way joystick and two action buttons for shooting (left) and leaping are included as controls (right).

How to play Contra Online:

Instead of doing a standard leap as in other games, one of the main characters rolls into a somersault when he jumps. The player's aim is also controlled by the joystick in addition to his running and leaping motions. The player may fire left, right, up, horizontally, diagonally, and upward when standing or running throughout the side view levels.
Plus, when leaping, the player may fire in any of the eight directions, including below. The figure may lie on his stomach while standing and pressing the joystick to evade enemy fire and shoot low-hanging objects. The player will fall to a lower level if they leap while crouched on a higher platform.


  • To have the player go in any way, press left and right. To raise the player's gun, press up. To get low, press down. You may aim your weapon in various directions by pressing the joystick diagonally.
  • To cause each player to jump off the ground, press the A button. They have the option of jumping forward or backwards. Press jump while keeping the control pad down to drop your character to a lower platform.
  • For your current weapon to fire, press the B button. Whatever button you hit on the control pad will cause your weapon to fire in that direction. You must leap while holding the control pad down in order to shoot straight down.
  • To choose a one- or two-player game, press Select on the title screen menu.
    Press Start to start a brand-new game or to halt it in the middle of it.

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