Welcome to the exciting Mob Control game. This is a math game that requires quick reflexes. You need to recruit soldiers and multiply them to capture the base.
Show everyone how to expand your organization while having fun with statistics! Due to the nature of this challenge, you will have to compete with other players, which requires you to improve with each round.
Players must navigate difficult platforms and numbered gates to reach checkpoints, eliminate hostile guards, and reach the enemy base in high enough numbers to destroy it.
To do this, you must evaluate your options and route your troops through the portals that offer the most potential benefit. Be wary of combinations; Some platforms require your warriors to go through two portals in a row to complete them. Make the necessary calculations, then work to achieve the greatest possible outcome in each of these difficult situations.
It only takes one of the opposing fighters to touch your cannon and you will be disqualified from the competition, so make sure they don't get too close. The defense should be your first priority and you should focus on staying safe while attacking the enemy base continuously. To keep up with the ever-increasing challenge, you'll need to upgrade your attack speed in the main menu.