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Description is a super attractive game for your entertainment. In this game, you will be transformed into a fish with the ambition to master the ocean.

In this game, you begin as a solitary angler fish who consumes food in order to build a fish army that will rule the ocean! It's a great sensation to demolish an opponent's army with your own or take on the jellyfish that previously killed you as a fresh spawn!

How to play

Similar to previous io games, you begin tiny, alone, and vulnerable to both hostile players and the environment; your only hope for life is to consume the food floating around and assemble an army of lesser fish to defend you. Because this is a free-for-all game, you're best off avoiding larger groups of fish because numbers do win conflicts in this universe.

  • Begin by gathering a small group of soldierfish and try to take on a jellyfish to get a nice bonus!
  • Once you've built up a decent-sized team, go for groups that are smaller than you to improve your score and demonstrate your supremacy in the sea.

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